The FatMan’s IT secrets

Working in IT I have been forced to come up with ways to keep myself from killing people. If you are thinking about working in IT there are some things you can do to help cope with the stress. Things you will never learn in some class room. For example, if you have a office has a door with a window in it so people can see you are in. Cover the window up with meme’s, but don’t cover it up straight away, do it one meme at all, over a couple of months. That way no one jumps to the conclusion that you are doing it deliberately to stop people seeing if you are in. That way you avoid the dreaded just popping in to say ‘hi and just a quick question’.

Here is the list which fills my door:

11b6_emotions_of_spock_poster one-does-not-dpg8dc expectingmetocare 1-day-without-s1dm0w


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